
  • Anime Update (06/23/08)

    Here's a small update on current series that i've already posted, no pictures or anything just text updates about what episode subbers are on. Tower of Druaga - Aegis of Uruk(Shield of Uruk) is over until second season which will be in 2009 it...
  • Anime Update (06/11/08)

    Ok...its been a while since i last updated this blogz, last year of High School, gotz to studyz. So i'm just gonna update you guys on the ones i've been tracking, how they are going, and the ones i've dropped. I'll also put up PVs of the...
  • Anime Update (06/12/08)

    Here's the next part of the anime update =D, Didn't really get into the last one cause was getting tired and bored. So here are some more anime for you to lookz atz. Macross Frontier One of the most epic animes of the season =D. This is probably...
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