Well, April fools is over...
The funny thing is how few even noticed or cared....
So now for the real site update!
Some of which was said is true, such as: This was originally a House Music site, and then became a gaming site. However as all of you know, this is now much better known as a Gaming community so it will remain. There is no reason we can't have the House music stuff going on as well. The game server have dropped in their popularity, gone are the days of full servers for us. CS1.6 is still fun but essentially most people have moved on. So while I think we should shut down most of the servers we will not shut them all down. I am going to post a vote in the forums to see which servers you all think should be saved.
Your Vote counts! GO Vote!
We are keeping the COD4 and CODWaW servers up of course because that's pretty much all we play these days. So Join us and get in the Vent!
Oh and Troop has visited us but is still pretty scarce! is here.
04-10-2009 11:53 AM