Dennou Coil Summary


Finally got through all 26 episodes. This anime turned out to be pretty good, I would have to rate it a 5/5 just because of how unique it is. So instead of taking a summary from ANN like I did in the update I will personally type out one of my own. If you haven't watched it already then you should, cyberspace, viruses, cyberpets, things that are unimaginable have been implemented in this anime in a well thought out process. I do think that the anti-virus programs that were made are really funny though, this anime has got its serious moments and then its uber hilarious moments. So here is the summary...


 Yuko Okonogi is just a regular 6th grader with a pair of glasses that can view things that aren't possible in reality. It is a pair of glasses that are able to project virtual images and make these virtual images interact with the user via a cyberbody. Some of the physics are sort of confusing in this virtual reality, or cyberspace. These glasses that almost every person has are able to create a cyberbody for the user and hold immense amounts of data. These glass can be used as a visual communications projection, phone, programming, encoding, hacking, anything that you can do with computers these days. Although games though the glasses are not shown I am sure that it is possible.

 Normally I would go through the physics of cyberspace, but in this anime there is just an immense amount of data and understanding that you will have to understand by watching through the anime. So I will just start on the storyline, Yuko Okonogi just moved to a new city where the cyberspace is not like any other. So many things happen she meets new and various amounts of different people with glasses who have more experience than her, in terms of using cyberglitches, cybertools, etc. She learns many things from these people whom would soon become friends with her. Soon after her arrival, another person joins the storyline who goes by the name of Yuko Amasawa. So to differentiate the two people I will call them by their nicknames, Yuko Okonogi (Yasako - Gentle), and Yuko Amasawa (Isako - Courageous). So Isako, is an extremely experienced encoder (somewhat like a hacker for cyberspace, creating her own codes to evade anti-virus programs) her goal is to catch something that is a part of cyberspace called Kirabugs. These bugs you will have to find out on your own because the explanation on the different cyberspace items/equips is just too much... At first, Isako is being bullied by a bunch of boys who also have glasses until she is able to convince them to become her lackies. Yasako also joins a new group owned by her grandmother, who is an experienced person in creating metatags(somewhat like spells in cyberspace) and other items that can be used. Various funny and serious events go by and the story goes on.........Now you just have to watch it to get into it.

Although you may get confused at some parts in this anime because of the various technologies that are put into each episode but it will all begin to make sense. So take a look at it.

P.S. Sorry I couldn't put up screenshots, I would but I just don't feel liked going through each episode picking out the most epic scenes =D 

The Anime Crew
DarkMidoriko and Doded
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Posted 06-30-2008 2:43 AM by DarkAstraea
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