Anime Update (08/07/08)

Another update =D; Mostly about Gundam 00

Gundam 00 Update:

Gundam 00 second season OP to be announced

Dengeki Online says the formal announcement of the new Gundam 00 opening theme song will take place during Gundam Expo Tokyo 2008 (August 12-17).

(NewType Magazine)

Saji Crossroad - Saji, who was affected the most by the resulting strife caused by the Gundams, overcame various hardships in his grieving youth to become an adult. He works in space development, continuing to wait for another meeting with Louise. When will he achieve his dreams?

Feldt Grace - Escaping in an assault container with Sumeragi and Ian, she concentrates the life saved by Chris into the resurrection of Celestial Being. Though she was rarely emotional as a young person associating with people before, the 4 years span of time has largely matured her human nature.

Ian Vashti - Boarded an assault container in the decisive battle with the UN Forces and narrowly escaped. Afterwards, he began development of a new Gundam, the 00, at the request of Wang Liu Mei. Serves as an engineer in the resurrection of Celestial Being.

Mileina Vashti - Ian's daughter. A 14-year-old girl with innocence to spare but who participates in the reborn Celestial Being. She is an operator but as she exhibits her father's genius, she is also active as a mechanic.

Lasse Aeon - Went missing with the downed GN Arms during the decisive battle with Alejandro. But he miraculously turned up alive and returned to the reborn Celestial Being. After Lichtendahl's death, he is in charge on the bridge of not only the gunning but as the helmsman as well.

(/NewType Magazine)

New Character (Mileina Vashti) at the Bottomz.


The Anime Crew
DarkMidoriko and Doded
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Posted 08-06-2008 6:39 PM by DarkAstraea
Copyright {MC}ParaDOX