As you can probably guess by the topic and who posted it guess what i'm back :P. Havent talked to you guys in ages. Schools been consuming my ever min in life and i dont have a chance to live but its coming to an end for the year. Thought i would post to see whos alive and how your all dooing. Also what games you guys have on the go.
-John (Fireball)
Hey! Welcome to the community, Fireball! Always good to see fresh meat.
Just kidding. I remember you. Welcome back.
I think most of us have been playing Anarchy Online. Some of us, like yourself and myself, have been really busy and haven't been able to play much of anything. We still jump into Quake 3 and Call of Duty 4 once in a while. Naturally, when you have free time you should drop in teamspeak and see what's up.[/IMG]
Haha i know nice to be new in a community never been here looked cool and ya i will stop in for sure. schools been crazy like im pulling 3 all nighters a week minimum now. but done for summer next Thursday thank god. i been playing css cs1.6 and forsaken world lately but more kill zone 3 haha game is nutsssss hows life been your way
Long time no see Fireball, what's DontShoot been up to lately? lol
Glad to see someone is still keeping up with the CS. Forsaken World? Really? I refuse to support PW games now that they've become pure cash shop games. I also got Kill Zone 3 with the PS3 bundle, but havent played it much because i hate console FPS with a passion as everyone knows.
Just finished beating Portal 2 SP/MP, godly game. Valve is probably the only company ever to come out with a game that has little to no bugs. So disappointed in every other game that is full of bugs and hidden drm on release.
Mike not a clue dont really talk to him anymore even though he lives down the street, as far as i know hes in uni for business and stuff, i havent even seen him on steam lately either but then again im never on either so ya. Haha cs will never die for me will always be perfect to me but honestly i hate console fps to but killzone 3 is actually insane it blows my mind every time i play it. Valve is life no doubt