Hey guys, it's been a while.
I'm glad to know the mc community is at least hanging on by a thread. clearly the cs 1.6 portion has died out. I visited a couple of the {MC} servers recently and it was a baron, desolate lot of vacancy. It's a shame, thinking back to all the good times we had on the Other and Starwars2 server. Although this is strictly wishful thinking, it would be nice to get some of the regulars back on the servers and revive the {MC} CS community.
Well just stopping by, i just recently got back into playing 1.6. You guys can add me on steam, "jwakabayashi". I was surprised to see that "unexpected fireball" still plays, it was a brief 'blast from the past' if you will. I guess he was the one that triggered this sudden anecdote haha. Anyway i hope to see some of you guys again.
A bunch of us still hang out. but as will all things we have moved past 1.6, even though I leave the servers up in case anyone wants to play on them. If you check the server list on the main page you will see the other servers we host.
Some of us have also gotten into playing various MMORPG's, Anarchy Online is the one I play. In any case feel free to stop by the vent server. Details on the server list.
Remember... Where ever you go, there you are...