Remember... Where ever you go, there you are...
Looks really boring
Yes, the world is certainly massive. But transportation is incredibly troublesome, and although there is no monthly fee there are fees for everything you do. "fully PvP" isn't "fully" true, you have to join an organization such as the Mafia or the Military to engage in PvP (unless you want to get owned). The AI is anywhere ranging from truly brilliant to utterly moronic. The graphics are very plain at times but if you're in the right place at the right time certain things can look quite astounding. The expansion pack "Inside" is required to earn money and sleep safely, which is necessary to play Outside, so it's pretty much forced on you. All together, I rate Outside a 6/10. Fun in moderation between other games.[/IMG]
Best reply to a post ever!
I feel like i should sneak into dorms and post that everywhere at my school.
lol troop, well played.
it looks really stupid and are you guys just joking about this whole thing because i cant find it anywhere
can you guys give me a link to this game? or is it not real cause it looks fishy hit creators of"IRL" hmm and no monthly fees who supports the game how do they keep it running?full pvp what does that mean? kinda weird
Clearly this went over your head. :)
It's a joke. Outside. Get it? Real life (hence the creators of IRL: In Real Life). It's telling people that the biggest and greatest MMO of all time is real life and that maybe they should actually try it out for once instead of getting lost in a virtual world.
Plus, I hear real life has bacon.
Troop: Clearly this went over your head. :) It's a joke. Outside. Get it? Real life (hence the creators of IRL: In Real Life). It's telling people that the biggest and greatest MMO of all time is real life and that maybe they should actually try it out for once instead of getting lost in a virtual world.
Way to kill it, Troop! Clearly you are not up to date on all the in and outs of what is going on here!
Shut up and get in the VENT!
i thought so i mean the whole distance thing and when you asked me if it was rainy out and you said it wouldnt be a good time to play "outside" i kinda figured that you meant actually going outside and my grandmother told me about this virus that is really, really bad and was wondering if anyone else had heard about it and if you know about could you give me info about it.
ROFLMAO!!! that his hilarius. i want to try! but is it free to dl?? like i dont know if the creaters put a virus on the dl...
If so... sign me upz
Apparently there is an entire site dedicated to the game Outside: