Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.

Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.
posted by Swordguy

Downloads: 593
File size: 2.5MB
Views: 2,342


ParaDOX wrote re: Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.
on 09-20-2012 3:37 PM

It looks like an RPG...

Swordguy wrote re: Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.
on 09-20-2012 8:28 PM

rocket jumps ftw

ParaDOX wrote re: Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.
on 09-21-2012 9:13 PM

Where are my potatoes?

Can I have them french fried or baked?

Swordguy wrote re: Free Potatoes to the first one that guesses whats on my back.
on 09-21-2012 10:50 PM

deep-fried and then scalloped... then eaten.  oops, I ate them.

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