Planetes: Brief Summary

Planetes: Brief Summary

    Planetes is taken place in the year 2075-2076 where millions of fragments of debris have been floating around. All of this debris has made it hazardous to fly from Earth to the Moon to stations. One incident that happened before there were debris haulers was where a shuttle carrying passengers was hit by a small nail shattering a passenger side window and decompressing everyone inside. This anime is based around a debris divison of a space station. (ISPV-7) There are two main characters, Hoshino Hachimaki and Ai Tanabe. The debris division that they are in go through many events that help develop the story about the two main characters' lives. They change the future of people's lives that they meet by doing what they think is best for humanity.
*Clips from Last Episode (26)*

    An awesome anime in my opinion, great storyline, tons of action later on such as terrorist attacks and bombings. I would suggest this for anyone who likes a good story and needs something to watch over the hollidays.

Overall Rating: 9/10

The Anime Crew
-DarkMidoriko and Doded

Posted 11-18-2007 4:52 PM by DarkAstraea


ParaDOX wrote re: Planetes: Brief Summary
on 12-01-2007 6:44 PM

This looks promising.. I might check it out..

Copyright {MC}ParaDOX