Hoshi no Koe : Voices of a Distant Star - Synopsis

This is an Original Animated Video otherwise known as an OAV. Which is a term used for anime not based off of other anime most of the time and are shown directly through TV stations without any promotional value. So i shall begin with my brief synopsis of this anime.

Voices of a Distant Star is an excellent Drama Mecha anime. It deals with two young middle schoolers having an extremely long relationship through the stars. One is on Earth and the other is off fighting aliens called Tarsians (I believe they are organic life forms that can live in space so it seems). Now one might think that the male character of this relationship would be fighting the aliens but in fact, it is the female character who is doing all the fighting. Both of these characters communicate to eachother through space via text messaging and while the male character (Noboru) stays on Earth the female character (Mikako) leaves with the U.N. Space Fleet to train and fight the aliens. Now as Mikako gets farther and farther away from Earth, the amount of time the messages between the two becomes longer. First its only a few days, then a few weeks, then a year, and then even more years. It is quite a unique story for those of you who have long distance relationships, whether it be from city to city or country to country.

So thats the drama part of this anime and now time for the mecha part. The mecha in this starts off pretty awkwardly, no introduction but seeing how they are time limited i would say done pretty well. Mikako and the U.N. Space Fleet use Robotech style machines to fight off the organic enemy, the Tarsians, apparently the Tarsians had attacked Mars before and the U.N. forces saw that as a hostile act and now they are at war fighting each other. Supposedly, that is i my oppinon though. But besides that, excellent mecha fights throughout the anime plus good CG animations of them.

Now the one thing i found that was amazing in this anime was was that they actually took the time to find an english speaking person and get them to speak in the anime. I have never seen an anime in Jap that used the english language fluently and effectively.





Posted 03-31-2008 12:26 AM by DarkAstraea


ParaDOX wrote re: Hoshi no Koe : Voices of a Distant Star - Synopsis
on 04-01-2008 1:16 PM

Looks very well drawn. Nice colors and shading.

Is this a series or a movie?

DarkAstraea wrote re: Hoshi no Koe : Voices of a Distant Star - Synopsis
on 04-14-2008 11:23 PM

More like a movie than a series

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