Anime Update (06/11/08)

Ok...its been a while since i last updated this blogz, last year of High School, gotz to studyz. So i'm just gonna update you guys on the ones i've been tracking, how they are going, and the ones i've dropped. I'll also put up PVs of the most of them.

Nijuu-Mensou no Musume (The Daughter of Twenty Faces)

I find this to be an excellent anime for its genre (adventure, drama, mystery) It's about a girl named Chiko who was secretly being poisoned by her Aunt and Uncle for them to inherit a large company until a man who calls himself, Twenty Faces, shows up and takes her away. Twenty Faces is a thief who steals not for wealth, but for the good of the people. He takes artifacts that are about to be sold off to some big shot mafia person and puts it back in their rightful place or restores it to the person whom it belonged to. So Chiko admires Twenty Faces and joins his crew of thieves. (That sums it up for the first part)

Later on, after about two or three years of service with Twenty Faces, they find themselves in an epidemic, a criminal who calls himself "Tiger" brings his crew and kills off most of the Twenty Faces gang. After this epidemic, Chiko finds herself alone, no one to comfort her and no one to look up to anymore, she loses all hope in life. She is brought back to her evil Aunt, who killed her husband because she was pissed. A mysterious detective then shows up and brings her back to life, giving her something to live for and something to search for, seeing and finding Twenty Faces, hoping that he is not dead (which he probably isn't) So now she will begin her journey of searching for Twenty Faces.

Nijuu-Mensou no Musume Main Website

Nabari No Ou

Not the best background animations of the time, but still the story for this anime is quite interesting. Modern ninjas living in the real world, ninjas have two lives, one of the real world where they work for money and one as a ninja of Nabari (Ninja World). The main character of this story, Miharu carries within him an extremely powerful jutsu that every ninja of Nabari wants. So all the ninja tribes are now searching for ways to extract this jutsu and use it for their own belives or personal benefits. A small group of Nabari ninjas and a samurai now protect Miharu so that the powerful jutsu does not fall into the wrong hands. They also collect other tribes jutsus to find a way to extract the power within Miharu. And so the adventure begins.

Nabari No Ou Main Website

The Tower of Druaga - Aegis of Uruk

Based off of a Japanese MMORPG. It's an RPG style anime, funny and yet intriguing. The Summer of Anu has just started, a time when all the monsters and demons within the Tower of Druaga are at their weakest has begun and all the people who seek wealth or something like that have join together in parties and are beginning to climb up the many floors of the Tower. Not gonna go into Character development and such but it is a funny anime. One cool thing about this is that the people who make it sub it themselves, no need for fansubs and they stream it as well. So the video here is actually episode one full. All the episodes are streamed on youtube as well. So just check it out

The Tower of Druaga Main Website

The Anime Crew
DarkMidoriko and Doded
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Posted 06-11-2008 12:02 AM by DarkAstraea
Copyright {MC}ParaDOX