April 2009 - News

  • Front Page News - April 10, 2009

    Well, April fools is over... The funny thing is how few even noticed or cared.... So now for the real site update! Some of which was said is true, such as: This was originally a House Music site, and then became a gaming site. However as all of you know...
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  • Front Page News - April 1, 2009

    The format of the site is about to change.

    This site was originally a House Music site, then it became the gaming site that we all know. However, it has become static, no one is really using the site as a gaming site. I have become more into the music and have decided to switch the site and community back to it's original format.

    There is already a small following of people who have been listening to the music I have been streaming with the help of my close frien John Mateo of Mateo and Matos fame.

    This is the end of an era...

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