Front Page News (7/13/07 - 8/19/07)

Welcome to the PG Gaming Community!

Front page update for information on changes occurring in the {MC} community/site and world in general.

Now normally, this first paragraph is dedicated to some kind of holiday celebration or national or worldwide occurance. Sadly, we don't have (an official) one to celebrate (when it comes to the 2007 calender.) But leave it up to them crazy people on the internet to have some occurance/observance for every day of the year, so without fail, this paragraph will not go overlooked. Today is July 13th...also known as Friday the 13th. Ironically, at midnight of Friday the 13th, we lost our public Ventrilo server (which we will go into shortly.) Don't take Friday the 13th for granted, because bad things do happen. Besides it being Friday the 13th, it is also the following observations (for the 13th and 14th): Chicken Day (chicken mod perhaps?), Embrace your Geekness Day (we play online games correct?), Gruntled Workers day (until the end shift whistle blows, Yaba-Daba-Doo!), Young Feminist Day (Reign), and Shark Awareness Day (in a recent survey, sand actually costs more lives than shark attacks, so when you thought it wasn't safe in the water, it is indeed safer in the water: Source). Ironically, on Shark Awareness Day, it is National Recreation Week. I say conspiracy...but thats up to your interpretation. Anyway you wanna celebrate, such as wearing a chicken suit to really find out if sharks think other food taste like chicken or want to quit your job while dressing up as harry potter for the release of the new book next week, just be sure that you stay away from that sand, its Friday the 13th.

To get past that comic relief, this is no laughing matter! Our public Ventrilo server is no longer with us (got eaten by a sand hole...I need to stop...). But that is OK...for now. We do have a temporary Ventrilo server available until we get this mess straightened out. We have converted our old 8 slot admin vent to the temporary public Ventrilo server. Same rules still apply, but we do have one more that needs to be followed. Our vent is tiny, and eight slots is definitely not enough to handle a good crowed. We request that if you are going AFK, to disconnect from vent because we need to make room for others. But wait? What if I cannot get back in because it is full? Well sir, I have one answer for you! Don't go AFK. If you don't go AFK, you wont have to wait for an available slot because you will be using the slot like a camping chair in Second Life (Anti-AFK scripts do no apply.) How do you connect to our vent? Click the button on the server list and you will connect to the vent. Or you can just connect as if you were connecting to the old vent and you will connect to the new vent. So never fear, underdog is here (gotta see that movie).

//Article Update - We now have a new Ventrilo server once again thanks to {MC}Typhoon. If you see him around give him your thanks. It is a 25 slot ventrilo server so it is smaller than the old public ventrilo, but that doesn't matter since we never hit past 25 on the old vent anyway. This ventrilo server sound just like the old server in quality but has a much better ping. To connect to this server, the IP/Port are below. If you cannot connect, its because the DNS hasn't finished populating over the internet. In simple terms, its like the Magic 8-Ball responding "Please try again later..." port 2318

For a final paragraph, this one must be paid the most attention (although them sand holes are serious too...). Our good buddy Stab will be leaving us in a few days. July 17th he will be leaving us to train for the good fight. He will be making a name for our country and will be protecting what is Rightfully ours. He is going to China to train for the 2012 Olympics to take home the gold in Diving. He will be gone for nearly a year under enemy territory blending in (although he will be a foot taller) with the commies. We must keep him in our prayers because this is a dangerous mission. I mean, they block websites (except To make this plain and simple, he will be gone for a very long time and will be missed. This upcoming Tuesday, when you realize that there is no strange holiday to celebrate, be sure to remember him and celebrate what I'm going to call Stab Day (July 17th). We will miss you buddy.


-Posted by {MC}Rush Retrospective (Friday, July 13th, 2007 at 9:10 PM EST)
-Updated by {MC}ParaDOX (Thursday, July 19th, 2007 at 8:00 PM EST)
-Updated by {MC}Rush Retrospective (Friday, July 20th, 2007 at 9:48 AM EST)


Posted 08-19-2007 1:32 PM by Rush Retrospective
Copyright {MC}ParaDOX