Front Page News - September 2010

UPDATE: The game is still due to release. Team Dystopia gave Valve all the necessary files days ago, but to Valve notorious reputation, They cannot release a game on time. It will come!


This front page has been hijacked in order to announce a wide-spread gaming phenomenon. This is not to be taken lightly and should be experienced by all gamers alike. Please take the next few minutes to read what we (DataTrust) have posted or


Dystopia 1.3 will released this Friday, September 10th. It is a free HL2:Orange Box mod available for download over steam. The following is the release article


"We're pleased to say that we're finally nearing the end of the road with version 1.30. Dystopia's upcoming patch will add Steamworks functionality, bug fixes, balance tweaks and a host of other download-worthy changes all on top of the Orange Box engine. We're very excited to be nearing the end of this leap for us, as bringing over Dystopia to a newer engine, performing code rewrite after code rewrite and frequent map recompiling, has made us more impatient than ever to share it with the general public.

Between the last news update and now, longstanding Dystopia third party map developer Fedio was made into an official Dystopia developer. With him, he brings the community favorite Fusion and a lot of level design talent. Fusion has since received a design and art overhaul and has quickly escalated itself to the favorite among Supporters who have played it. We're very excited to show for the first time, the official 1.30 revamp and release of Fusion!

As a general announcement, we would like to let everyone know that our Supporters program will be taking a hiatus after the release of 1.30. Supporters will still have all of their perks available to them, however you will be unable to donate and become a new Supporter during this period. We will be making some fundamental changes to the program which all the current Supporters will benefit from -- but more on that later! Support now if you'd would like to get in on the good stuff for the future!

So really... it's time for us to push 1.3 out the door, like a mother bird first gives the gift of flight to a newborn. We hope that the community enjoys this update to Dystopia that we have labored so hard on; we certainly enjoy it! Dystopia version 1.30 will be released on Friday September 10th over Steam. We have no exact time when it will be released, as that's not determined by us, but we hope that everyone will join us in our IRC Channel on Friday to patiently await the release!


The following article/pictures can be viewed at

Oh, and happy labor day - GET BACK TO WORK!

Posted By Rush Retrospective (Tom Sawyer) at 7:12pm EST 09/06/10

Posted 09-06-2010 6:56 PM by Rush Retrospective
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