Hi there! My name is John Perkins. I am in jail right now, for hacking Info Booths. He, he, he. They didn't take my neural interface away. Guess what I am doing, right now! He, he, he. Listen, I have something to tell you. You know this... HACKER EJECTED. PARDON THE INCONVENIENCE. STANDBY FOR MISSION.
Welcome to MC Labs.org - Home of the MC Labs organization of Anarchy Online. We have MC Labs offices and departments for sevaral popular MMO's.
MC Labs is a mature organization with a mission to provide an overall fun experience to all its members. This is accomplished by establishing friendship and fellowship through the tedious tasks that funcom has to offer us. From the beginning in the newbie backyards to the end game raids, we as an organization are here to help each other in accomplishing and overcoming all goals. With that said, we are always open to new membership as long as you are a mature individual willing to make new friends and willing to work with other members for the positive growth of yourself, the org mates and the org as a whole. Amongst all else, we are looking for anyone who is willing to have fun.
MC Labs has a lot to offer everyone and anyone, froob or veteran. This is accomplished through the many services that we offer our players. First off, we have a public Team Speak server that anyone is welcome to join. Those who do choose to join us in our Team Speak typically will get first dibs on quests, missions and raids that we may be running. Beyond that, it is the easiest way to receive help from other members in regards to questions and assists for items, buffs etc. Those individuals who also join us in our Team Speak are also more available to promotions within the org and other important decisions that we make. The server information is IP: ts.mc-labs.org Port: 9987
Although we have a Team Speak, we understand that some people prefer not to use this form of communication, which is ok no matter the individual reasoning. With that said, we do use our org chat quite often to communicate with members to organize quests, raids or to answer questions. Within this org chat, we have a permanent and automated org assistant (Labbot - built on Budabot) for checking online activity, items etc... This bot runs mostly 24/7 from one of our dedicated servers so the bot is rarely down.
We also have a full QL 300 org city located in Serenity Island. Here you can get involved in the numerous city raids that we conduct (typically there is at least one occuring everyday).
Outside of the game, we have a website (of course since you are reading this). As of current, this website is fully opperational but is still being modifed for content and layout. So if for any reason the site is down, do not fret, it is probably being updated or changed. Once everything is completed, our website will offer many phatz to our members and the AO community. For lines of communication, we have forums set up so our members can post their wish lists (things they want to get done), questions and findings. The forums also offer non-AO discussion such as entertainment, news and other gaming to further create a bond within our organization. We also offer a wiki in which we ultimately want to archive as many, if not all, of the many guides to the multitude of quests and missions AO has. Because of this, we will have a central location for all the guides to limit frustrations of searching the internet looking for particular guides, the ability to edit these guides as need be and to preserve such knowledge in case any of the other sites decided to fade away. We also host many important files on this site that will help enhance the AO experience, such as map packs.
The overall goal of our website is to have a central location to note the achievements of the org and its members. Our goal is to publish weekly to bi-weekly updates detailing these accomplishments and to give congratulations to those people who deserve it. With that said, MC Labs would like to congratulate a few of its members of their recent accomplishments:
We also strive to providew for the AO community and give back to the game that has given us so much.
MC Labs is proud to host the AOSpeak Anarchy Online unOfficial TeamSpeak 3 server since 2011. You can find more information for the AOSpeak server on our AOSpeak site. http://aospeak.com.
We are also working on a collaboration to improve the tools available to the community. Currently we have taken over the Items:Light project. We hope to have a new release out soon with lots of new features!
With that said, we hope you all choose to stick around and get to know us and eventually join us.
Until next time...
(borrowed from an older post from Rush aka Tom Sawyer.)